Company name on VAT Registration: | MRP MORRISON ST LIMITED |
VAT number: | GB 143391913 |
VAT ID: | 143-391-913 |
Jurisdiction of VAT number: | United Kindom (UK) |
Issuing Authority of VAT number: | HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs) |
VAT status: | Valid VAT Number |
Address on VAT Registration: | MCALEER & RUSHE LTD 17-19 DUNGANNON ROAD COOKSTOWN BT80 8TL |
Period when VAT number issued: | Issued after November 2009 |
Estimated date VAT number issued: | December 2011 |
Last checked by us: | 2024-11-21 |
MRP MORRISON ST's VAT Number is GB143391913
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2024-09-19 | Change of name detected on VAT registration from CLUAIN MANAGEMENT LIMITED to MRP MORRISON ST LIMITED. Company name CLUAIN MANAGEMENT LIMITED last seen 2023-09-16 20:20:27 |
Legal name of company: | MRP MORRISON ST LIMITED |
Company Registration Number: | 07980100 |
Company Status: | Active |
Country of origin: | United Kingdom |
Jurisdiction Authority: | Companies House |
Incorporation date: | 2012-03-07 |
Company/Entity type: | Private Limited Company |
Industry SIC Codes: | 41100 - Development of building projects |
Registered office address: | 161 DRURY LANE LONDON WC2B 5PN |
Previous legal names of company: | CLUAIN MANAGEMENT LIMITED changed on 17/01/2024 TIMEC 1358 LIMITED changed on 19/11/2012 |
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TIMEC 333 LIMITED | GB805704641 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
MULNAVOO COMMERCIAL LIMITED | GB150850232 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
MRP NUH LIMITED | GB151945014 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
LARKFIELD ENTERPRISES LIMITED | GB142003082 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
CASTLEDRUM MANAGEMENT LIMITED | GB143911425 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
EML MONEDA HOUSE LIMITED | GB229475971 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
MCALEER & RUSHE CONTRACTS UK LIMITED | GB124892696 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
TIMEC 1464 LIMITED | GB207018053 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
MRP BRISTOL LIMITED | GB337165791 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
MRP INVESTMENT & DEVELOPMENT LIMITED | GB318528003 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
SM MILLENNIUM HOUSE LTD | GB740376245 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
GNT PROPERTIES LTD | GB872536504 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
MRP LAND LIMITED | GB175201039 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
EML NOTTINGHAM LIMITED | GB863701032 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
KINGSBRIDGE DEVELOPMENTS (WHS) LTD | GB342006155 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
ES NORTH STREET LIMITED | GB195767937 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
ES GATESHEAD LIMITED | GB226705317 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
EML TROON HOUSE LIMITED | GB241540832 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
EML MEADOWLANE LIMITED | GB516923833 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
SM MURRAY HOUSE LIMITED | GB756291410 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
EML FOUNTAIN STREET LIMITED | GB820703366 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
MRP HAMMERSMITH LIMITED | GB143278317 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
TARDRUM MANAGEMENT LIMITED | GB143943603 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
M&R ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED | GB162481120 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
ROMIGA NORTH LIMITED | GB191858467 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
EML HEATHERVALE HOUSE LIMITED | GB242835016 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
ES SUFFOLK BIRMINGHAM LIMITED | GB227895171 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
MRP NOTTINGHAM LIMITED | GB307943786 | JAMES STEPHEN HIGGINS - common director relationship |
TERMON DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED | GB710100813 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
TIMEC 333 LIMITED | GB805704641 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
ES NEWGATE LIMITED | GB123075546 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
ES BEDFORD STREET LIMITED | GB160387413 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
COOKSTOWN DEVELOPMENTS LTD | GB863912407 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
MRP NUH LIMITED | GB151945014 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
LARKFIELD ENTERPRISES LIMITED | GB142003082 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
CASTLEDRUM MANAGEMENT LIMITED | GB143911425 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
EML MONEDA HOUSE LIMITED | GB229475971 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
MCALEER & RUSHE CONTRACTS UK LIMITED | GB124892696 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
TIMEC 1464 LIMITED | GB207018053 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
MRP INVESTMENT & DEVELOPMENT LIMITED | GB318528003 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
ES COOKSTOWN 1719 LIMITED | GB516680637 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
ES BANBRIDGE LIMITED | GB740477825 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
COLLEGE COURT PROPERTIES LTD | GB731284547 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
MRP LAND LIMITED | GB175201039 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
ES COLLEGE COURT LIMITED | GB122513165 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
EML NOTTINGHAM LIMITED | GB863701032 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
FLEMING INNS LTD | GB932521543 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
KINGSBRIDGE DEVELOPMENTS (WHS) LTD | GB342006155 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
ES NORTH STREET LIMITED | GB195767937 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
ES GATESHEAD LIMITED | GB226705317 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
EML TROON HOUSE LIMITED | GB241540832 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
EML MEADOWLANE LIMITED | GB516923833 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
SM MURRAY HOUSE LIMITED | GB756291410 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
EML FOUNTAIN STREET LIMITED | GB820703366 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
LONDON ROAD ESTATES LIMITED | GB863511724 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
MRP HAMMERSMITH LIMITED | GB143278317 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
TARDRUM MANAGEMENT LIMITED | GB143943603 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
M&R ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED | GB162481120 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
EML HEATHERVALE HOUSE LIMITED | GB242835016 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
ES SUFFOLK BIRMINGHAM LIMITED | GB227895171 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
MRP NOTTINGHAM LIMITED | GB307943786 | EAMONN FRANCIS LAVERTY - common director relationship |
WESTLAND (SHEFFIELD) LTD | GB936252127 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
TERMON DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED | GB710100813 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
SM PLYMOUTH HOTEL LIMITED | GB872424127 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
TIMEC 333 LIMITED | GB805704641 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
SM MALONE 102 LIMITED | GB122513655 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
ES NEWGATE LIMITED | GB123075546 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
ES BEDFORD STREET LIMITED | GB160387413 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
COOKSTOWN DEVELOPMENTS LTD | GB863912407 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
MRP NUH LIMITED | GB151945014 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
LARKFIELD ENTERPRISES LIMITED | GB142003082 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
MCALEER & RUSHE CONTRACTS UK LIMITED | GB124892696 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
MRP BRISTOL LIMITED | GB337165791 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
MRP INVESTMENT & DEVELOPMENT LIMITED | GB318528003 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
ES COOKSTOWN 1719 LIMITED | GB516680637 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
SM GREAT VICTORIA ST LIMITED | GB516742152 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
SM ALDERGROVE AIRPORT HOTEL LIMITED | GB517461646 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
ES BANBRIDGE LIMITED | GB740477825 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
SM MILLENNIUM HOUSE LTD | GB740376245 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
GNT PROPERTIES LTD | GB872536504 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
MRP CHAPEL LANE LIMITED | GB890959170 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
WILMAR LEISURE LTD | GB919313033 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
MRP LAND LIMITED | GB175201039 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
ES COLLEGE COURT LIMITED | GB122513165 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
MOYKEERAN PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIMITED | GB150850330 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
DRUM ROAD ESTATES LTD | GB864056418 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
KINGSBRIDGE DEVELOPMENTS (WHS) LTD | GB342006155 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
ES NORTH STREET LIMITED | GB195767937 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
SM MURRAY HOUSE LIMITED | GB756291410 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
LONDON ROAD ESTATES LIMITED | GB863511724 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
MRP HAMMERSMITH LIMITED | GB143278317 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
TARDRUM MANAGEMENT LIMITED | GB143943603 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
M&R ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED | GB162481120 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
ROMIGA NORTH LIMITED | GB191858467 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
ES SUFFOLK BIRMINGHAM LIMITED | GB227895171 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
MRP NOTTINGHAM LIMITED | GB307943786 | SEAMUS (JAMES) MCALEER - common director relationship |
Director relationship are where a current director of is either a current or resigned director of a company above
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