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Value Added Tax information for DDB UK LIMITED

VAT Record: GB341035893

Company name on VAT Registration:
VAT number:GB 341035893
VAT ID: 341-035-893
Jurisdiction of VAT number:United Kindom (UK)
Issuing Authority of VAT number:HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs)
VAT status: Valid VAT Number
Address on VAT Registration:C/O NICK LEATHAM
W2 6AA
Period when VAT number issued: Issued before November 2009
Last checked by us:2024-11-23

DDB UK's VAT Number is GB341035893

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Changes detected for VAT number GB341035893

2018-07-14Change of address detected on VAT registration from C/O NICK LEATHAM, FINANCE DIRECTOR, 12 BISHOPS BRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, W2 6AA to C/O NICK LEATHAM FINANCE DIRECTOR 12 BISHOPS BRIDGE ROAD LONDON W2 6AA. Previous address last seen 2018-05-15
2021-01-18Change of name detected on VAT registration from DDB UK LIMITED / ADAMANDEVEDDB to DDB UK LIMITED. Company name DDB UK LIMITED / ADAMANDEVEDDB last seen 2020-12-12 16:18:00

Company Information

Legal name of company: DDB UK LIMITED
Company Registration Number: 00933578
Company Status: Active
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Jurisdiction Authority: Companies House
Incorporation date: 1968-06-11
Company/Entity type: Private Limited Company
Industry SIC Codes: 73110 - Advertising agencies
Registered office address: 12 BISHOPS BRIDGE ROAD
W2 6AA
Previous legal names of company: BMP DDB LIMITED changed on 30/04/2007

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Companies with common directors

SIEGEL+GALE LIMITEDGB810401884SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
FLEISHMAN-HILLARD GROUP LTDGB739812992SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
HALL & PARTNERS EUROPE LTDGB564464718SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
CRITICAL MASS (UK) LTDGB911818727SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
AMCI EUROPE LIMITEDGB929821590SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
TEQUILA LONDON LIMITEDGB991252801SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
METHOD+MASTERY LIMITEDGB911629730SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
THE BEANSTALK GROUP UK LIMITEDGB777881951SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
CEDAR COMMUNICATIONS LIMITEDGB577897749SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
ABBOTT MEAD VICKERS GROUP LIMITEDGB417807052SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
ADELPHI GROUP LTDGB611599633SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
DAGGERWING GROUP LIMITEDGB427838268SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
G PLUS LIMITEDGB991247985SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
OMD EMEA LIMITEDGB266893939SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
BBDO EUROPEAN HOLDINGS LIMITEDGB788090095SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
TBWA UK GROUP LIMITEDGB656899461SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
OMNICOM MEDIA GROUP EUROPE LTDGB143777001SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
WOLFF OLINS LTDGB991276094SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
TRO GROUP LTDGB984235592SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
TBWAWORLDHEALTH LONDON LIMITEDGB340270301SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
CPM UNITED KINGDOM LTDGB596164602SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
REDWOOD PUBLISHING LIMITEDGB462152512SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
OMNICOM MEDIA GROUP UK LIMITEDGB918213926SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship
OMNICOM MANAGEMENT LIMITEDGB918211834SALLY ANN BRAY - common director relationship

Director relationship are where a current director of is either a current or resigned director of a company above

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