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Value Added Tax information for JOHN DEVINE HAULAGE LIMITED

VAT Record: GB868027892

Company name on VAT Registration:
VAT number:GB 868027892
VAT ID: 868-027-892
Jurisdiction of VAT number:United Kindom (UK)
Issuing Authority of VAT number:HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs)
VAT status: Valid VAT Number
Address on VAT Registration:38 THE BEECHES, LARNE, BT40 2DW
Period when VAT number issued: Issued before November 2009
Last checked by us:2025-02-06

JOHN DEVINE HAULAGE's VAT Number is GB868027892

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Company Information

Legal name of company: JOHN DEVINE HAULAGE LTD
Company Registration Number: NI064593
Company Status: Active
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Jurisdiction Authority: Companies House
Incorporation date: 2007-05-10
Company/Entity type: Private Limited Company
Industry SIC Codes: 49410 - Freight transport by road
Registered office address: Suite 4
Commercial Mews
93-97 Main Street
BT40 7HJ
Previous legal names of company: No name changes of the legal name of the company have been made or recorded

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Companies At Post Code BT40 2DW

HELIX8 LTD GB435969939

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Companies with common directors

TOTAL AUTOMATION LTDGB465068378 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
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SYNERGY PROMOTIONS NORTH LTDGB105825136 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
SYNERGY PROMOTIONS SOUTH LTDGB105826231 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
SRM SERVICES (NI) LIMITEDGB810225188 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
REDARC LTDGB456322986 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
DB SCAFFOLDING LTDGB848581679 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
CRAZY DAVE PROMO LIMITEDGB129506804 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
SUN BLINDS LTDGB943976474 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
POWERCT LTDGB992167388 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
TMR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AND TRAINING LTDGB128332330 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
EMERALD FIRE PROTECTION LTDGB324799076 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
WANDSWORTH DEVELOPMENTS LTDGB331954654 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
KEEL CONSULTANTS LIMITEDGB882272312 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
ALCHEMY RECRUITMENT SOLUTIONS LTDGB853224047 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
HAMILL INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT LTDGB653539617 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
JANE THOMPSON LTDGB446128104 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
ROSECLIFF DEVELOPMENTS LTDGB977257175 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
HAIR RITZ LTDGB799017093 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
HAIR RITZ TOO LTDGB839747766 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
STREETWISE PERFORMANCE LTDGB690696194 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
CAPITAL HYGIENE SUPPLIES LTDGB899419451 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
C & T SCAFFOLDING LTDGB906393712 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
C KELLY ELECTRICAL LTDGB940464528 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
SOURCE PRODUCTS LIMITEDGB899278146 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
RED GROOMSWEAR LTDGB386882728 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
CORBEL LTDGB815224455 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
ARDOWEN DEVELOPMENTS LTDGB853768875 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
A+ ENGINEERING LIMITEDGB792002547 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
N M MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LTDGB848446391 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
MAWHINNEY FAMILY BUTCHERS LTDGB672559307 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
CN HYGIENE SOLUTIONS LTDGB919933582 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
COMMERCIAL TRAILER SERVICES (NI) LTDGB872909584 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
ABRFS LTDGB473941073 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
GOMX 365 LTDGB835797084 SYBAN LTD - common director relationship
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Director relationship are where a current director of is either a current or resigned director of a company above

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